New Ideas
Two of our members, Bobbye Aaron and Bernie Murray are keen to lead a poetry reading event. We have never done this before, at least we don'tthink we have, so we want to know if this is something that you would like to contribute to, or you might like to simply attend, listen and enjoy?
Please let us know eitherway by emailing Ruth, our secretary,at
We envisage this as an entertaining evening with poetry and monologues, and maybe even duologues in a socialsetting. Sheila Mellor and PJ Lopez have agreed to organise it, if you want it!
The Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Papers now available for our annual general meeting that will be held at the Atalaya Golf and Country Club on Wednesday 5th March at 7 pm sharp, arrival from 6.30 pm. All members are welcome and the meeting will finish at 8pm in the usual way with complimentary pizza. This is very much a relaxed social event and very enjoyable. Please do join us.
Please email Ruth at to confirm your attendance
There is no charge for this event.
View papers HERE
The Building and Equipment Fund
Thank you to the lovely people who have donated online to our new fund, the total currently stands at 1.337€. Over 3.000€ has been spent recently on new lighting and sound systems to improve our productions. A huge thank you for your contributions during 2024.
Sad News
Mary Jacklin, a life-long member of ITS, passed away in late January in a hospice in Eastbourne in the UK. Her husband, Clive, has set up a tribute page where people can leave messages or memories of her, or donate to St Wilfrid's Hospice.
If you wish to do this the link is:
Both Clive and Hilda (Mary) were active members of ITS when they lived in Spain and were usually in charge of sound, technical effects and lighting.
ITS Board Members
Veronica del Cerro, one of our Board members, has sadly had to resign due to her demanding work schedule. She is a professional actor and director and is working on various projects including a film. Fortunately for us, she has agreed to stay as an advisor for ITS. We wish her every success in her career.
Calle Santa Teresa, 13
29670 San Pedro de Alcántara
España (Spain)
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